> Saurabh: > You need to look in a book on
crystallography. Rutile forms in tetragonal prisms. The plane you
want (1,1,0) is the cleavage plane. > Anyway, these three numbers are the Miller
indices. The plane you are looking for is one full lattice spacing
in the a-direction, one full lattice spacing in the b-direction, an no
displacement in the c-direction. If you have access to an elementary graphics
program, you can input the coordinates you supplied, the lattice constants you
supplied, and the program will draw the unit cell. From this you can
determine the cleavage plane. >
Regards, Dave Close. > From:
[mailto:owner-chemistry+closed==etsu.edu^^^ccl.net] On Behalf Of Saurabh
Agrawal Saurabh.Agrawal:+:ucdconnect.ie > Dear CCL Subscribers, |