CCL:G: overtone and combination bands

 Sent to CCL by: Philippe Carbonniere [philippe.carbonniere+/]
You can compute overtones and combination bands from the keyword freq=anharm in G03.
 Sincerely yours,
 Philippe Carbonniere
 Serdar Badoglu sbadoglu!A! a écrit :
 Sent to CCL by: "Serdar  Badoglu" [sbadoglu a]
Hi to all CCLers. I have some extra peaks in my experimental IR spectrum which are not available in Gaussian calculated spectrum. I know that these calculated bands are only the fundamentals but somehow I need to compute the overtones and combinations bands of my molecule, preferably in Gaussian03. Is it possible, and how?>
 Philippe Carbonnière, Maître de conférence
 Institut Pluridisciplinaire de Recherche en Environnement et Matériaux
 (IPREM, UMR5254)
 Laboratoire de Chimie Physique (LCP)
 F-64000 Pau
 Tel  : 00 33 5 59 40 78 58
 Fax : 00 33 5 59 40 78 62