CCL:G: problems with PBC calculation with G03 version B01

 Sent to CCL by: "Ol  Ga" [eurisco1 ~~]
 Dear Andreea,
 It is necessary to increase amount of RAM avaiable for the task. For instance,
 Ol Ga
 #MaxDisk=2000Mb is again very strong limit. I suggest you to increase this
 value, too.
 > Sent to CCL by: "Andreea  B" [abalaceanu^^^]
 > Hello everybody!
 > I am a Master stundent and Im currently working with Gaussian03,
 > trying to compute PBC calculations. There is very little information
 > available on this subject, and I would really need some help.
 > This is my input line:
 >  %chk=arm_opt3
 >  %mem=64mb
 >  %nproc=1
 >  Will use up to    1 processors via shared memory.
 >  Default route:  MaxDisk=2000MB
 >  ----------------------------
 >  # opt=tight rpbepbe/6-31g(d)
 >  -------
 >  arm opt
 >  -------
 >  Symbolic Z-matrix:
 >  Charge =  0 Multiplicity = 1
 >  C                     0.        0.        0.
 >  H                    -0.1483    0.36848  -0.99354
 >  H                    -0.1483    0.79469   0.70098
 >  C                     1.43408  -0.54431   0.13691
 >  H                     1.583    -0.91102   1.13101
 >  H                     1.58177  -1.34029  -0.56274
 >  O                     2.36933   0.50414  -0.1295
 >  C                     3.70123   0.        0.
 >  C                     7.40247   0.        0.
 >  C                     11.1037   0.        0.
 >  C                     14.80493   0.        0.
 >  H                     3.55293   0.36848  -0.99354
 >  H                     7.25416   0.36848  -0.99354
 >  H                     10.9554   0.36848  -0.99354
 >  H                     14.65663   0.36848  -0.99354
 >  H                     3.55293   0.79469   0.70098
 >  H                     7.25416   0.79469   0.70098
 >  H                     10.9554   0.79469   0.70098
 >  H                     14.65663   0.79469   0.70098
 >  C                     5.13531  -0.54431   0.13691
 >  C                     8.83655  -0.54431   0.13691
 >  C                     12.53778  -0.54431   0.13691
 >  C                     16.23901  -0.54431   0.13691
 >  H                     5.28423  -0.91102   1.13101
 >  H                     8.98546  -0.91102   1.13101
 >  H                     12.6867  -0.91102   1.13101
 >  H                     5.283    -1.34029  -0.56274
 >  H                     8.98423  -1.34029  -0.56274
 >  H                     12.68546  -1.34029  -0.56274
 >  H                     16.3867  -1.34029  -0.56274
 >  O                     6.07056   0.50414  -0.1295
 >  O                     9.77179   0.50414  -0.1295
 >  O                     13.47303   0.50414  -0.1295
 >  O                     17.17426   0.50414  -0.1295
 >  C                     16.45334  -1.0721    1.56767
 >  H                     15.81973  -1.91805   1.73443
 >  H                     17.47576  -1.36239   1.69132
 >  H                     16.21346  -0.30258   2.27137
 >  Tv                    18.50617   0.        0.
 > And this is the error message I get:
 >  After all major allocation allocation failure:  iend,mxcore=   6642744
 >  Error termination via Lnk1e in C:\G03W\l502.exe at Sat Apr 04 07:54:10
 >  Job cpu time:  0 days 18 hours 24 minutes 19.0 seconds.
 >  File lengths (MBytes):  RWF=    233 Int=      0 D2E=      0 Chk=   22 Scr=
 > Thank you very much in advance for your help.
 > Andreea.