Dear Dr. Garrison, The Amsterdam Density Functional
program (ADF) comes with a full set of Slater basis sets for elements 1 up to
118. The
basis sets range from very small up to basis set limit (quadruple zeta with many
polarization functions). All-electron basis sets are available
for all elements and can be used in combination with the ZORA relativistic
method in ADF (scalar relativistic and spin-orbit coupling included during the
SCF). The overview for Uranium is given
here: Free
download of the Slater basis sets: If
you have any questions, let us know. Best
regards, Stan van Gisbergen On Apr
8, 2009, at 10:37 PM, Stephen.Garrison+/ wrote:
Dr. S.J.A. van
Gisbergen Chief Executive Officer Scientific
Computing & Modelling NV Theoretical Chemistry, Vrije
Universiteit De Boelelaan 1083 1081 HV
Amsterdam The Netherlands
(web site recently
restyled) T: +31-20-5987626 F: +31-20-5987629 |