CCL:G: density display, isosurfaces

 Sent to CCL by: "Elaine  Meng" [meng(a)]
 In Chimera, it is fairly easy to display multiple isosurfaces of various colors.
 The density values are shown in a histogram, and a slider on the histogram sets
 the isosurface level.  You can add more sliders just by Ctrl-clicking on the
 histogram, and of course you can move them around and change their colors.
 Of course, you would need to have the density in a format that Chimera knows --
 Gaussian cube grid (.cube), gOpenMol grid (.plt), many others:
 Opening the file will bring up the Volume Viewer dialog for controlling the
 display.  Here's a tutorial that includes displaying two isosurfaces of
 different colors.  It uses X-ray crystallographic density, but the principles
 are the same:
 Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.                          meng,,
 UCSF Computer Graphics Lab (Chimera team) and Babbitt Lab
 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
 University of California, San Francisco