CCL:G: Making movies from molecular vibrations easily

 Sent to CCL by: Jerome Kieffer []
 > I've been searching through the web and through the archives but I
 > couldn't find a decent solution for making a movie of a molecular
 > vibration one gets from a frequency calculation with Gaussian or
 > Turbomole. While Gaussview, Molden, Molekel and Jmol (no imaginary
 > modes, as it seems!), are able to display the vibrations, there is no
 > easy option to create, say an animated GIF (with transparency!), or an
 > How do you go about animating molecular vibrations for insertion into a
 > presentation? I'd appreciate any help (preferably, but not limited to
 > linux/OSS solutions)!
 Try Gabedit it exports png (even with transparency) from Gaussian Freq
 calculation, then use mencoder with something like :
 mencoder "mf://anim*.png" -mf type=png:fps=25 -ovc lavc -lavcopts \
 vcodec=msmpeg4v2 -o film.avi