From Fri Apr 24 15:28:01 2009 From: "tamer sabry el-shazly t_sabry2005]^[" To: CCL Subject: CCL:G: help needed Message-Id: <-39157-090424103301-8440-W/> X-Original-From: "tamer sabry el-shazly" Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 10:32:57 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "tamer sabry el-shazly" [t_sabry2005|-|] dear sir. kindly to help me by answer the following; 1- how can i overcome the abnormal termination of gaussian calculation with G03W\11002exe and 15002exe 2- in spite of presence key word freq in my route input the frequencies not calculated, only optimize the structures without calculating the frequencies , how can i overcome this problem Thanks so much to help recent computational chemist tamer sabry t_sabry2005[A]