CCL:G: Calculation of Redox Potentials
- From: Vincent Xianlong Wang <xloongw~!>
- Subject: CCL:G: Calculation of Redox Potentials
- Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 19:31:18 -0700 (PDT)
Sent to CCL by: Vincent Xianlong Wang []
Hi Tobias,
Is the BSSE (basis set superposition error) relevant to the big deviation you
observed? Have you done the correction to check if the results change?
----- Original Message ----
> From: Tobias Kraemer tobiask *
To: "Wang, Xianlong " <>
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 11:08:22 PM
Subject: CCL:G: Calculation of Redox Potentials
Sent to CCL by: Tobias Kraemer [tobiask|]
I'm trying to get experience in calculating some redox potentials of copper
complexes to refer these data to experimental values.
I have done a number of initial calculations on a test set of organometallic
molecules, to get used to the method, using B3LYP/6-31G*
and the default PCM model as implemented in Gaussian with methanol as solvent.
As expected, deviations from experiment are big
(in order of a few hundreds of millivolts). I also applied this protocol to the
copper complexes I'm interested in and in a next step increased the
basis set to TZVP for copper and ligating atoms, and SVP for remaining ligand
atoms. I observed a big difference in the computed value for the redox
potential, going from
-0.12 (B3LYP/6-31G*) to +0.35 (B3LYP/TZVP). This is surely not so unexpected.
There are significant changes in the solvation energy
for the reduced form of the complex, Cu(I), whereas the solvation energy of the
oxidised form, Cu(II), is uneffected. Also, significant changes in the relative
energies of the
structures in gas phase contribute to the change in the reduction potential.
After reading some papers about the topic, I feel that the use of Jaguar for
calculations of this type is preferred. This causes some difficulty in
reproducing results, as I'm using
Gaussian. So, in order to design some further test calculations, I would like to
ask for some advise from people that have experience with this type of
calculations using Gaussian and the
solvent models therein. Maybe there is some further literature, which would help
me as well, that report benchmark calculations using Gaussian.
I would especially like to know, if it is advisable to do full optimisations in
solvent, to improve the results, and which solvent models yield good results,
I'm aware, that this strongly depends on the system that is being investigated.
Your comments are much appreciated.
-- ____________________________________
dipl.-chem. tobias kraemer
westCHEM, department of chemistry
university of glasgow
joseph black building
university avenue
glasgow G12 8QQ
scotland, uk
|phone| +44 (0)141 330 8121