CCL: ZINDO Documentation

 Sent to CCL by: "lyzhao" [lyzhao{}]
 Dear All,
 	Thank Tamm and Jan for sharing the ZINDO Docs, but who can share the
 "Original" ZINDO Source Code.
 Best regards!!
 Youzhao Lan
 > From:Toomas Tamm toomas^_^
 Date:2009-08-18 22:35:26
 To:Lan, Youzhao
 Subject:CCL: ZINDO Documentation
 Sent to CCL by: Toomas Tamm [toomas]~[]
 Hello all!
 As one of the last people who worked on the Zindo code between 1994 and
 1996, I also have a set of manuals (including documentation of some of
 the internals of the code). I sent them to Jan for posting to the
 document archive.
 Toomas Tamm                                 e-mail: tt-ccl2 (at) kky . ttu . ee
 Chair of Inorganic Chemistry                voice:  INT+372-620-2810
 Tallinn University of Technology            fax:    INT+372-620-2828
 Ehitajate tee 5, EE-19086 Tallinn, Estonia
 On Sun, 2009-08-02 at 18:09 -0400, Jan Labanowski janla/
 > Sent to CCL by: Jan Labanowski []
 > Serge Gorelsky wrote:
 > > Hi, I happen to have the ZINDO manual from Mike Zerner (dated before
 > > 1999). See the attached text file. S.G.
 > Serge,
 > Since CCL scripts did not like the attachment (yes, they are paranoid) I
 > the copy of the ZINDO manual that was in your attachment on the CCL Web
 site in
 > Document Archive page, namely:
 > Jan