Dear Morad A simple way is to build your system in
Cartisian coordinates. Sincerely; M. Ibrahim
Mahmoud A. A. Ibrahim
School of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Oxford Road,
Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom.
Home Address
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Minia
Minia 61519,Egypt.
Information Email: m.ibrahim+/ Email:
m.ibrahim1982+/ Website: Fax No.:
--- On Thu, 11/19/09, Morad
El-Hendawy m80elhendawy~! <owner-chemistry+/>
From: Morad El-Hendawy
m80elhendawy~! <owner-chemistry+/> Subject: CCL:G:
Gaussian 03 + Exceeded Z-Matrix To: "Ibrahim, Mahmoud A. A. "
<m.ibrahim1982+/> Date: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 4:24
Hey every body, I got the following error when I submit an input
file for protien of about 27000 atoms in order to do AMBER94 calculation using
Gaussian 03:
"The maximum of 20000 Z-matrix cards has been exceeded Error termination via
Lnk1e in C:\G03W\l101.exe"
I guess that this error due to exceeding Z-matrix more
than 20000 atoms. Is there a keyword to solve this problem. Best
regards, **************************************************************************************************Morad M. El-Hendawy Ireland
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