CCL: Turbomole User Group Mtg - preliminary info

Turbomole User Group (TUG) Meeting

         Preliminary announcement:

Venue:           San Francisco, Moscone Center (ACS meeting)

Date:              Tuesday 23rd March 2010 (early PM)

Draft agenda:   New 6.1 Turbomole Release
                      Q&A session
                      User submitted presentations

For who?:        Current users and anyone interested in
                       learning more about Turbomole

Fees:              None (free)

Registration:    Registration required (name, institution, country)
                      to dgallagher+*

Presenters:      Please submit your abstract
                       to dgallagher+*
                       (presentations should be 5 to 15 minutes)

Further details will be posted as and when available at

David Gallagher
CAChe Research