CCL: eCheminfo Oxford 2010 Workshops - Bursary Awards, Case Studies

 Sent to CCL by: Barry Hardy [barry.hardy,]
 We will be holding the eCheminfo workshops in drug discovery and
 predictive ADME/tox again in Oxford this summer.  In addition to
 exposure to a variety of methods, software and hands-on exercises,
 groups will work together on case studies throughout the workshop week.
 This year we will also include the potential to be involved in
 collaborative case studies supported by the Synergy project and running
 for several months before and after the workshop, including the
 potential to participate in the development and use of OpenTox web
 services in predictive toxicology (
 The 5 day workshops take place in consecutive weeks end of July and
 beginning of August.
 Bursary Awards will be used to support the attendance of a selection of
 academic participants at the workshops. The deadline for submission is
 February 12.
 More Information at:
 best regards
 Barry Hardy
 eCheminfo Community of Practice
 Douglas Connect