CCL: software to list chi1 angles

 Sent to CCL by: "Elaine  Meng" [meng*o*]
 Hi Reynier,
 In Chimera, you could do this by
 (a) opening the protein structure ("File... Open" or "File...
 Fetch by ID")
 (b) choosing "Tools... Depiction... Render by Attribute"
 (c) from the Render dialog, choosing "File... Save Attributes"
 (d) in that file save dialog, specify saving Attribute: of "residues"
 (instead of "atoms") named "chi1", output filename and
 That gives a plain text file with contents like:
 attribute: chi1
 recipient: residues
        :1.A    155.14827579618091
        :2.A    173.65904867904251
        :3.A    161.03647418613772
        :4.A    -61.545841796253114
 [... etc.]
 Chimera is free for noncommercial use. For info and download see
 Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
 UCSF Computer Graphics Lab (Chimera team) and Babbitt Lab
 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
 University of California, San Francisco