CCL: NBO3.0 :Not enough core storage is available

Dear CCL'ers,

I precede a natural bond orbital calculation with NBO.3, but I get this message error:


Storage needed:****** in NPA,****** in NBO (2500000 available)


*** Not enough core storage is available ***


In same time, I got the solution from "NBO3 program manual":

"Note that all NBO output is formatted to a maximum 80-character width for convenient display on a computer terminal. The NBO heading echoes any requested keywords (none for the present default cas ) and shows an estimate of the memory requirements (in double precision words) for the separate steps of the NBO process,  compared to the total allocated memory available through your ESS process. Increase the memory allocated to your ESS process if the estimated NBO requests exceed the available storage."

the application of this solution, to my ESS program, is the subject of this message. My ESS program is ADF.


 may abdelghani

Laboratoire de Chimie et Chimie de l’Environnement, Université de Batna 05000, Algérie