From Thu Mar 25 01:48:00 2010 From: "Haibin Li lihb734[A]" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Applicability of Density Functional Message-Id: <-41523-100324085439-5541-fu8uzdnEUmb8r6VkqsXZhw^-^> X-Original-From: "Haibin Li" Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 08:54:36 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Haibin Li" [lihb734,] Dear CCLers: As we know, Density Funtional Theory (DFT) become more and more popular in the field of Computational Chemistry. Although the exact form of Exchange-Correlation Functional is not known, many expert have developed a wide variety of approximate functional designed to specific systerms, for example, SAOP potential was developed specifically to investigate spectropic properties. Thus, when a novice enter the fied of DFT, how can he understand which functional is suitable for the systems under his investigation? Is there any reference or deposity or database to which we can refer? Or, we should read all papers concerning the developmen of functional, benchmark test Thanks in advance for your help.