CCL: G95 compiler issue

 Sent to CCL by: Toomas Tamm [tt-ccl2],[]
 Hello John,
 > Sent to CCL by: John McKelvey [jmmckel^^^]
 > I am trying to compile a code which the second routine is called with
 > an argument such as 'second(integer)'..  At *compile* timeG95
 > complains that this is not standard..
 Unlike C and many other languages, where you can redefine, eg sin(x) to
 return whatever value you please, Fortran has the notion of intrinsic
 functions: sin(x) always returns the sine of the argument and the
 compiler with complain if you try to provide your own implementation of
 function sin(x).
 Thus the question comes down to whether second(i) is defined as
 intrinsic in Fortran 95 standard. If it is, your program violates the
 standard and a different name for the function should be chosen. If it
 is not, there may be other solutions, up to filing a bug report against
 the compiler.
 Toomas Tamm                                 e-mail: tt-ccl2 (at) kky . ttu . ee
 Chair of Inorganic Chemistry                voice:  INT+372-620-2810
 Tallinn University of Technology            fax:    INT+372-620-2828
 Ehitajate tee 5, EE-19086 Tallinn, Estonia