From Mon Dec 6 11:10:00 2010 From: "John McKelvey jmmckel()" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Making GOTOBLAS under Win2K Message-Id: <-43285-101206110655-24556-nBkAMdlhYIDR4+1e5eSIDQ^-^> X-Original-From: John McKelvey Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2010 11:06:48 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: John McKelvey [jmmckel^^] CClers, Could I discuss off-line with someone who has built GOTOBLAS about "where the stumps in the water are"? For me it dies building level-2 blas. Am using Win2k with gfortran installed. Many thanks! John -- John McKelvey 10819 Middleford Pl Ft Wayne, IN 46818 260-489-2160 jmmckel{=}