CCL:G: help


  There are likely several problems.  It is actually fairly difficult to place water molecules around some molecule.  The only hint we have is that you exceeded the number of optimization steps.  One solution is to animate the steps to see what’s happening.  For example, you may be close to a realistic solution, but the waters are oscillating back and forth in a very shallow potential energy surface.  Also it depends where you placed the water molecules, and where they ended up.  If the waters started out near each other it often happens that they prefer to form a dimer rather than interact individually with the main molecule.

  Regards, Dave Close


From:,, [,,] On Behalf Of Bilel Mansouri bilelmansouri80-,
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2011 12:52 PM
To: Close, David M.
Subject: CCL:G: help







> I'm doing a (what I thought was simple) test job of tow water molecules whith supermolecule methode using B3LYP

and I use the following input job

# opt=(modredundant,maxcycles=999), Int(Grid=ULTRAFIN)  B3LYP/6-311g

g counterpoise=2
I have the error message  and i use the keyword int=grid=ultrafine



      Item               Value     Threshold  Converged?
 Maximum Force            0.000882     0.000450     NO
 RMS     Force            0.000269     0.000300     NO

Maximum Displacement     0.056470     0.001800     NO
 RMS     Displacement     0.014132     0.001200     NO
 Predicted change in Energy=-1.659919D-03
 Optimization stopped.
    -- Number of steps exceeded,  NStep= 100
    -- Flag reset to prevent archiving.
                           ! Non-Optimized Parameters !
                           ! (Angstroms and Degrees)  !
 --------------------------                            --------------------------
 ! Name  Definition              Value          Derivative Info.                !
 ! R1    R(1,3)                  3.9996         -DE/DX =   -0.0023              !
 ! R2    R(1,5)                  1.003          -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! R3    R(1,6)                  1.003          -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! R4    R(1,7)                  2.9817         -DE/DX =   -0.0009              !
 ! R5    R(1,9)                  3.0732         -DE/DX =   -0.001               !
 ! R6    R(2,4)                  3.9997         -DE/DX =   -0.0029              !
 ! R7    R(2,7)                  0.9737         -DE/DX =    0.0004              !
 ! R8    R(2,8)                  0.9697         -DE/DX =    0.0007              !
 ! R9    R(3,9)                  0.9722         -DE/DX =   -0.0013              !
 ! R10   R(3,10)                 0.9664         -DE/DX =   -0.0001              !
 ! R11   R(3,11)                 1.7428         -DE/DX =    0.0002              !
 ! R12   R(4,8)                  4.4728         -DE/DX =   -0.0008              !
 ! R13   R(4,11)                 0.981          -DE/DX =    0.0003              !
 ! R14   R(4,12)                 0.9659         -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! A1    A(3,1,5)               99.0096         -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! A2    A(3,1,6)               99.0096         -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! A3    A(3,1,7)               68.5648         -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! A4    A(5,1,6)              104.9845         -DE/DX =   -0.0007              !
 ! A5    A(5,1,7)               60.6293         -DE/DX =   -0.0003              !
 ! A6    A(5,1,9)              101.859          -DE/DX =    0.0001              !
 ! A7    A(6,1,7)               60.6293         -DE/DX =   -0.0003              !
 ! A8    A(6,1,9)              101.859          -DE/DX =    0.0001              !
 ! A9    A(7,1,9)               73.3866         -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! A10   A(4,2,7)                3.2523         -DE/DX =    0.001               !
 ! A11   A(7,2,8)              110.0485         -DE/DX =    0.0001              !
 ! A12   A(1,3,10)             126.5996         -DE/DX =    0.0001              !
 ! A13   A(1,3,11)              96.7028         -DE/DX =   -0.0001              !
 ! A14   A(9,3,10)             111.1913         -DE/DX =   -0.0001              !
 ! A15   A(9,3,11)             112.1111         -DE/DX =    0.0001              !
 ! A16   A(10,3,11)            136.6976         -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! A17   A(2,4,11)              95.2594         -DE/DX =   -0.0002              !
 ! A18   A(2,4,12)             154.9369         -DE/DX =   -0.0001              !
 ! A19   A(8,4,11)             106.7444         -DE/DX =   -0.0002              !
 ! A20   A(8,4,12)             143.4519         -DE/DX =   -0.0001              !
 ! A21   A(11,4,12)            109.8037         -DE/DX =    0.0003              !
 ! A22   L(1,7,2,4,-1)         285.8641         -DE/DX =   -0.0011              !
 ! A23   L(3,11,4,2,-1)        168.2659         -DE/DX =   -0.0003              !
 ! A24   L(1,7,2,4,-2)         180.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! A25   L(3,11,4,2,-2)        180.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D1    D(3,1,2,4)              0.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D2    D(3,1,2,8)            180.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D3    D(5,1,2,4)            102.9058         -DE/DX =    0.0001              !
 ! D4    D(5,1,2,8)            -77.0942         -DE/DX =    0.0001              !
 ! D5    D(6,1,2,4)           -102.9058         -DE/DX =   -0.0001              !
 ! D6    D(6,1,2,8)             77.0942         -DE/DX =   -0.0001              !
 ! D7    D(9,1,2,4)              0.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D8    D(9,1,2,8)            180.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D9    D(5,1,3,10)           126.5651         -DE/DX =    0.0004              !
 ! D10   D(5,1,3,11)           -53.4349         -DE/DX =    0.0004              !
 ! D11   D(6,1,3,10)          -126.5651         -DE/DX =   -0.0004              !
 ! D12   D(6,1,3,11)            53.4349         -DE/DX =   -0.0004              !
 ! D13   D(7,1,3,10)           180.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D14   D(7,1,3,11)             0.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D15   D(7,2,4,11)           180.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D16   D(7,2,4,12)             0.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D17   D(1,3,4,2)              0.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D18   D(1,3,4,8)              0.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D19   D(1,3,4,12)           180.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D20   D(9,3,4,2)              0.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D21   D(9,3,4,8)              0.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D22   D(9,3,4,12)           180.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D23   D(10,3,4,2)           180.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D24   D(10,3,4,8)           180.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !
 ! D25   D(10,3,4,12)            0.0            -DE/DX =    0.0                 !

                          Input orientation:                         
 Center     Atomic     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number      Type              X           Y           Z
    1          8             0        0.184505    0.000000    0.154984
    2          8             0        0.033034    0.000000    2.881640
    3          8             0        4.161469    0.000000    0.583652
    4          8             0        4.011921    0.000000    3.292071
    5          1             0       -0.032703   -0.765799    0.712955
    6          1             0       -0.032703    0.765799    0.712955
    7          1             0        0.995253    0.000000    3.035531
    8          1             0       -0.438867    0.000000    3.727326
    9          1             0        3.261177    0.000000    0.215677
   10          1             0        4.826475    0.000000   -0.117892
   11          1             0        4.189967    0.000000    2.324276
   12          1             0        4.842678    0.000000    3.787965
                    Distance matrix (angstroms):
                    1          2          3          4          5
     1  O    0.000000
     2  O    2.730860   0.000000
     3  O    4.000000   4.724906   0.000000
     4  O    4.948780   4.000000   2.712545   0.000000
     5  H    0.972090   2.300862   4.265472   4.857702   0.000000
     6  H    0.972090   2.300862   4.265472   4.857702   1.531598
     7  H    2.992467   0.974448   4.004577   3.027557   2.652829
     8  H    3.626323   0.968439   5.571875   4.472020   3.136535
     9  H    3.077270   4.186678   0.972590   3.166673   3.418096
    10  H    4.649983   5.654580   0.966641   3.505901   4.988824
    11  H    4.555168   4.194133   1.740858   0.984036   4.584076
    12  H    5.907378   4.894293   3.275922   0.967506   5.814764
                    6          7          8          9         10
     6  H    0.000000
     7  H    2.652829   0.000000
     8  H    3.136535   1.592257   0.000000
     9  H    3.418096   3.617456   5.101177   0.000000
    10  H    4.988824   4.962090   6.519933   1.600445   0.000000
    11  H    4.584076   3.272932   4.836802   2.304093   2.523753
    12  H    5.814764   3.920311   5.281894   3.906711   3.905890
                   11         12
    11  H    0.000000
    12  H    1.602627   0.000000
 Stoichiometry    H8O4
 Framework group  CS[SG(H6O4),X(H2)]
 Deg. of freedom    20
 Full point group                 CS
 Largest Abelian subgroup         CS      NOp   2
 Largest concise Abelian subgroup CS      NOp   2
                         Standard orientation:                        
 Center     Atomic     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
 Number     Number      Type              X           Y           Z
    1          8             0       -2.501070    0.069787    0.000000
    2          8             0       -0.827351    2.227623    0.000000
    3          8             0        0.782472   -2.214584    0.000000
    4          8             0        2.445684   -0.071777    0.000000
    5          1             0       -2.299150    0.633470    0.765799
    6          1             0       -2.299150    0.633470   -0.765799
    7          1             0        0.000000    1.712804    0.000000
    8          1             0       -0.629035    3.175540    0.000000
    9          1             0       -0.138519   -1.901999    0.000000
   10          1             0        0.824466   -3.180313    0.000000
   11          1             0        1.945446   -0.919177    0.000000
   12          1             0        3.398064   -0.242189    0.000000
 Rotational constants (GHZ):      3.6566956      1.7161673      1.1744164


            Population analysis using the SCF density.


 Electronic spatial extent (au):  <R**2>=   919.2008
 Charge=     0.0000 electrons
 Dipole moment (field-independent basis, Debye):
    X=     1.8028    Y=    -0.6387    Z=     0.0000  Tot=     1.9126
 Quadrupole moment (field-independent basis, Debye-Ang):
   XX=   -30.6350   YY=    -7.6894   ZZ=   -26.4884
   XY=    -5.0915   XZ=     0.0000   YZ=     0.0000
 Traceless Quadrupole moment (field-independent basis, Debye-Ang):
   XX=    -9.0307   YY=    13.9149   ZZ=    -4.8841
   XY=    -5.0915   XZ=     0.0000   YZ=     0.0000
 Octapole moment (field-independent basis, Debye-Ang**2):
  XXX=    53.7799  YYY=    -7.6173  ZZZ=     0.0000  XYY=     5.7536
  XXY=    -2.5321  XXZ=     0.0000  XZZ=    -7.1177  YZZ=     1.2264
  YYZ=     0.0000  XYZ=     0.0000
 Hexadecapole moment (field-independent basis, Debye-Ang**3):
 XXXX=  -509.3830 YYYY=  -156.7525 ZZZZ=   -23.2511 XXXY=    30.6051
 XXXZ=     0.0000 YYYX=    48.4794 YYYZ=     0.0000 ZZZX=     0.0000
 ZZZY=     0.0000 XXYY=  -160.2397 XXZZ=   -90.8949 YYZZ=   -82.4570
 XXYZ=     0.0000 YYXZ=     0.0000 ZZXY=    26.3538
 Atom   7 needs variable   8=   0.9744477035 but is    0.9720898606
 Input z-matrix variables are not compatible with final structure.

 Error termination request processed by link 9999.
 Error termination via Lnk1e in C:\G03W\l9999.exe at Thu Nov 04 19:09:35 2010.
 Job cpu time:  0 days  1 hours 13 minutes 15.0 seconds.
 File lengths (MBytes):  RWF=     20 Int=      0 D2E=      0 Chk=     11 Scr=      1

 Any insight would be very helpful.
