CCL: Workshop on Electronic Structure Calculations in Conjunction with Anaheim ACS

 Sent to CCL by: "Jing Kong" []
 Dear Colleague:
 Q-Chem Inc. would like to invite you to a workshop on Saturday, March 26,
 preceding the national ACS meeting in Anaheim and highlighting the release
 of the Q-Chem 4.0 software package. Q-Chem 4.0 contains significant new
 functionality, including:
 * TD-DFT gradient for excited-state structure optimization;
 * IRC searches for mapping complicated potential energy surfaces;
 * Range-separated and dispersion-corrected DFT functionals;
 * Faster algorithms for DFT, HF and coupled-cluster calculations;
 * More choices for excited-state, solvation and charge-transfer
 * Effective Fragment Potential and QM/MM for treating large systems;
 * Maximum Overlap Method for excited-state calculations of large systems;
 * Intracules for analysis of two-electron properties;
 * Shared-memory for multicore systems and implementations for GPUs; as well
 as many other areas.
 The workshop will consist of seminars and hands-on tutorials. Seminar
 speakers include Martin Head-Gordon (Berkeley), Peter Gill (ANU), Anna
 Krylov (USC), John Herbert (Ohio State), Paul Ha-Yeon Cheong (Oregon State)
 and myself. Tutorials will be run by Yihan Shao and Zhengting Gan from
 Q-Chem, Inc.
 The meeting takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Doubletree Guest
 Suites Anaheim Resort/Convention Center (2085 S. Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim,
 CA 92802). The registration fee is $50 and covers continental breakfast,
 lunch, coffee and soft drinks.
 Please register by February 28 on our website
 ( and bring your laptop
 7/Vista/XP or Mac) for the tutorials. The software and tutorial materials
 will be available for downloading on the website after March 12.
 All workshop participants will receive a free six-month license for
 unlimited use of Q-Chem 4.0.
 I apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
 Happy New Year,
 Jing Kong, PhD
 CEO and Chief Scientist
 Q-Chem, Inc.