CCL: Jean-Claude Rayez's Special Issue: dead line shift

 Sent to CCL by: "Andrea  Lombardi" []
 Dear Colleagues,
 It was our pleasure to announce months ago that we are organizing the
 publication of a special issue in honor of Prof. Jean-Claude Rayez's
 achievements in the journal "Computational and Theoretical Chemistry"
 (formerly known as: Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM).
 The overall theme is "Chemical reactivity: from accurate theories to simple
 models". It is thus broad enough for researchers in molecular dynamics or
 electronic structure of small to large systems, within gas or condensed
 phases, to be able to contribute.
 The deadline for submitting manuscripts was initially end of September.
 However, it is more convenient for several colleagues to shift the dead
 line to end of October.
 Contributors are refered to the author guide at
 They will have to upload their papers by selecting "Rayez Issue on
 in the drop down menu in EES submission page.
 We are looking forward to see your contributions in Jean-Claude special issue.
 All the best,
 The Guest Editors,
 Laurent Bonnet, Bordeaux University/CNRS, France
 Email : l.bonnet/./
 Pascal Larregaray, Bordeaux University/CNRS, France
 Email : p.larregaray/./
 Vincenzo Aquilanti, University of Perugia, Italy
 Email : aquila/./, vincenzoaquilanti/./