CCL:G: AIMall energy of water dimer gives huge error with CP/ BSSE
- From: "Laura Albrecht"
- Subject: CCL:G: AIMall energy of water dimer gives huge error with
CP/ BSSE correction
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:45:04 -0400
Sent to CCL by: "Laura Albrecht" [lauraalbrecht[*]]
Hi Corey!
It turns out that the .fchk file written by Gaussian does not include the MP2
density matrix when counterpoise option is requested. I'm trying to run with
the old massage option to set the other fragment's nuclei to charge zero and no
electrons (I would need to evaluate the wavefunction for each system
individually as if I were doing the counterpoise-type correction manually - TAKs
suggestion) but now formchk utility errors when I try to write the formatted
checkpoint file (for the massage option, or also if I set the other fragment up
as ghost atoms with A-Bq, which is essentially the same thing). Am right now
trying to run with output=wfn in the route section.
If it's the dimension causing this, what does that mean for the AIM
calculations? (ie, can I fix this?)
cheers, and thanks!
> "Cory Pye cpye[a]" wrote:
> Sent to CCL by: Cory Pye [cpye ~~]
> Hello Laura (from down the street),
> sounds like it might be a problem with dimension. When a BSSE calculation
> done using the counterpoise correction, the wavefunction of the monomer is
> expanded to include the basis functions of the other monomer. So the
> basis set size is different. The way Gaussian does this is to add the basis
functions of the other monomer at the same geometry, but setting the nuclear
charge to zero.
> -Cory
> On Tue, 11 Oct 2011, Laura Albrecht lauraalbrecht/./ wrote:
> >
> > Sent to CCL by: "Laura Albrecht" []
> > Hello CCL subscribers.
> >
> >
> > I am attempting calculation of water dimers at MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ level
theory corrected for BSSE with the Boys and Bernardi counterpoise approach
(implemented with the counterpoise=2 option in G09 vs A.02). After a single
point calculation the formatted checkpoint file is analyzed using the AIMall
programs. I use AimQB to write the .wfn file.
> >
> > The resulting total energies as given by AIMall are ~318 kcal/mol
greater than the G09 EUPM2 final energies. If I neglect the CP correction in G09
calculation, the AIM calculated total energies are only ~0.01 kcal/mol greater
than the (more accurate) G09 energies. AIM energies are taken from the .sumviz
file, no modifications.
> >
> > Optimizing the geometry to include CP correction does not solve the
issue, and neither does improving the basis set. The virial ratio is 2.00173 for
single point and 2.000978 for optimized (no CP) and 2.001699 (with CP)
> >
> > Is there a known issue with AIMall calculations on G09/Counterpoise
output? Is it possible that G09 writes the (formatted)checkpoint file in a
different way when it applies CP correction, and thus the aimQB program is
misprinting the .wfn file? Finally, is it even necessary to use the BSSE
corrected .fchk file for the AIM calculation since the final wavefunction should
be essentially the same, since CP correction on a SP calculation just yields an
energy correction factor and does not change the dimer electron density topology
> >
> > Any hints or literature direction would be immensely appreciated.
> >
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> >
> > Laura Albrecht
> > Dalhousie University,
> > Halifax, NS, Canada>
> >
> ************* ! Dr. Cory C. Pye
> ***************** ! Associate Professor
> *** ** ** ** ! Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
> ** * **** ! Department of Chemistry, Saint Mary's University
> ** * * ! 923 Robie Street, Halifax, NS B3H 3C3
> ** * * ! cpye{:}
> *** * * ** ! Ph: (902)-420-5654 FAX:(902)-496-8104
> ***************** !
> ************* ! Les Hartree-Focks (Apologies to Montreal Canadien