CCL: Science code manifesto

I think you need to parse their sentence more carefully.  I don't see it as applying to any of the widely used Computational Chemistry codes--- either those that are  open source, or those that are licensed, patented, and/or copy write protected. 

"All source code written specifically to process data for a published paper must be available to the reviewers and readers of the paper."
On Oct 14, 2011, at 4:18 PM, Brian.James.Duke{:} wrote:

I just encountered the Science Code Manifesto, which essentially states
that all computer code used for scientific analysis and modeling
be available for review. It appears to have started with the Climate
Code Foundation. I encourage you to visit the web site and consider
endorsing the Manifesto.

Note that this is not specifying open source code, so GAMESS(US),
GAMESS(UK), DALTON etc., as well as open source codes such as PSI3 amd
MPQC satisfies the points of the manifesto. Of course some other quantum
chemistry codes do not. I think we should be putting pressure on the
authors of such codes to meet the criteria in this manifesto.


In climate/weather science, where there may be a lot of "our computer models show", there may good reason for such a manifesto; but we don't need one, and I doubt that many areas of science do

James E. Eilers


Chemistry Department

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
