CCL: Science code manifesto

 Sent to CCL by: Mihaly Mezei []
 While I am putting most of the software (source code included) used in in my
 papers on my website, I think REQUESTING the source code to be published/made
 available is too strong a requirement. This would be equivalent to requesting
 the circuit-board diagrams of the various instruments and/or the source code of
 the data acquisition programs used in experimental work.
 What IS important is the specification of the algorithms and the parameter set
 used. Examining the source code (assuming that it is feasible to pore through
 the thousands of lines of code) is only warranted if either fraud  or error is
 Suspecting fraud without specific reason is just plain wrong. The same way that
 we assume that the graphs in an experimental paper properly represent the raw
 data, we should trust that the code represents the authors honest effort to
 implement the algorithms in case. If there is solid reason to suspect fraud then
 there are various avenues to pursue such investigation and that would certainly
 involve requesting the code.
 As I said before, the default assumption should be trust. However, what COULD be
 requested as part of the protocol  is the description of the various tests the
 author performed to demonstrate that the code indeed implements the algorithm
 Suspicion of error can come form two sources: (a) something 'does not make
 sense' and (b) I repeated the calculation with an other code and got different
 results. In the first case, if you are a reviewer, you can ask the author for
 clarification or, if you read the paper after publication, ask the author and if
 the response is unsatisfactory, write a letter to the editor commenting on the
 paper. One of these may lead to an acceptable explanation or the author
 discovering an error in a code. In the second case, the the two groups involved
 can work together in determining the source of the discrepancy - this is much
 more efficient than one grou examining the other group's code. Such cooperative
 error searc can be done without examining the source code of the other group by
 comparing partial results - that could lead to pinpointing the source of the
 discrepancy (I speak from experience here).
 Mihaly Mezei
 Department of Structural and Chemical Biology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
 Voice:  (212) 659-5475   Fax: (212) 849-2456
 WWW (MSSM home):
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