CCL: Invitation: Cambridge Cheminformatics Network Meetings
- From: "Andreas Bender, PhD"
- Subject: CCL: Invitation: Cambridge Cheminformatics Network
- Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2011 16:46:07 +0000
Sent to CCL by: "Andreas Bender, PhD" [Andreas.Bender/./]
Dear All,
This might be most relevant to you if you are based around the
Cambridge/London/South East area of the UK:
For the last year or so we have been running local 'Cambridge
Cheminformatics Network Meetings' about 4 times a year, which were
held in turn at the Unilever Centre in Cambridge and at the European
Bioinformatics Institute in Hinxton. Those meetings consist of 2-3
talks starting at 4pm, followed by a visit to the local pub for dinner
and making new friends (as well as meeting old ones). Hence, the
intent of those meetings is not to provide a comprehensive schedule of
talks, but they are rather enabling us to meet people next door who do
very interesting work related to our own (but whom, for one reason or
another, we don't get to know that often just by accident). Meetings
are free and open to anyone to attend.
So the message is actually rather simple: If you are (or soon will be)
based in the South East and you might be interested in attending our
meetings you are simply very welcome to join in!
You are very welcome to join us for talks and dinner anytime - so far
we had an audience of 30-50 people at every event, from both academia
and industry. I am also very happy to add you on our e-mail list if
desired - there are very few e-mails, maybe 1/month, it is only used
for our local cheminformatics meeting and job announcements. And, of
course, you are very welcome to present your scientific work anytime -
please just let me know if you wish to do so, external speakers are as
welcome to present as speakers from the area.
More information (such as the meeting schedule) can be found at - or
feel free to contact me in case you would
like to have any further information.
Our next meeting will be held on 23 November, at 4pm, at the Unilever
Centre for Molecular Science Informatics, on Lensfield Road,
Cambridge. If you are in the area you are very welcome to just drop
in, the topics of talks will both be circulated on our internal e-mail
list and be posted on the website shortly. If you need any other
details please just let me know anytime as well - cheers!
Best wishes and hope to see you soon in Cambridge,
Andreas Bender, PhD
Lecturer for Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Cambridge University