CCL: Ring Pseudorotation
- From: Alcides Simao <alsimao(!)>
- Subject: CCL: Ring Pseudorotation
- Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 14:26:24 +0000
Sent to CCL by: Alcides Simao [alsimao ~]
Dear All,
I would like to thank you all for the wealth of information provided
regarding this problem. Your help proved invaluable!
Also, I must say that I found it quite interesting that people find
the word 'automagic' funny. I learned this world by reading some
scripts from an old friend of mine, who, long time ago, was my teacher
in the Computational Chemistry and cultivated my passion for Linux.
Cheers, Paulo! ;)
So, again, thank you all!
> From a dark pit somewhere in continental Europe,