CCL:G: PBC calculations

 Sent to CCL by: "Dr. Vitaly V. Chaban" []
 Do you use any k-mesh?
 Dr. Vitaly V. Chaban, 430 Hutchison Hall, Chem. Dept.
 Univ. Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627-0216
 On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 5:06 AM, Anja Jatsch
 <owner-chemistry/./> wrote:
 > Sent to CCL by: "Anja  Jatsch" []
 > Dear ccl users,
 > I am trying to set up a PBC calculation on a measured crystal structure
 (organic), but I always end up with the same error in the MO guess:
 > Dimensions of /B2/ exceeded in AtP2B2.
 > Error termination via Lnk1e in c:\program files\G09W\l401.exe
 > I am using #p pbepbe/3-21g/auto and I really dont have a clue whats the
 problem. There are almost 200 atoms in the unit cell, maybe its to large? But
 Gaussian doesnt complain about the memory
 > Thanks a lot for any idears!
 > Anja>>;>;>;>;