CCL:G: using uTZ-w as Gaussian 09 basis set to predict NMR property

 Sent to CCL by: []
 Dear Immanuel  Feng,
The uTZ-w basis set is not a built-in basis set. In this case you should use Gen keyword. Corresponding web link with instruction is
 Ol Ga
-----Исходное сообщение-----
 From: immanuel Feng immanuelsvera]_[
 Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2012 9:49 PM
To: Ga, Ol Subject: CCL:G: using uTZ-w as Gaussian 09 basis set to predict NMR property
 Sent to CCL by: "immanuel  Feng" [immanuelsvera*]
 Dear all,
 I am trying to use the uTZ-w basis set for nmr calculation, which is
 suggested on Gaussian official website:, however, it
 generates errors below,
 could anybody familiar with Gaussian tell me why? Thank you very much!
 Duke University
 Gaussian 09:  EM64L-G09RevA.02 11-Jun-2009
 Will use up to    8 processors via shared memory.
 #p nmr=(spinspin) b3lyp/uTZ-w scf=tight integral=(grid=ultrafine)
 QPErr --- A syntax error was detected in the input line.
 #p nmr=(spinspin) b3lyp/uTZ-w scf=tight
 Last state="GCL"
 TCursr= 1046 LCursr=   24
 Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/dbchem/mapete/chem/g09-A.02-ifort-
 static/g09/l1.exe at Tue Mar 13 14:02:17 2012.