CCL: AW: CASSCF does not produce spin densities (UNCLASSIFIED)

This sounds like a reasonable operational definition, since the expectation value of the interelectronic repulsion should be determined by the two-body RDM.  It doesn't clarify the physics too much, though.  I'll think about it some more. -Seth

On 15/03/2012, at 9:58 PM, Rinderspacher, Berend C CIV (US) berend.c.rinderspacher.civ[*] wrote:

Sent to CCL by: "Rinderspacher, Berend C CIV (US)" [berend.c.rinderspacher.civ!A!]
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Why not define dynamic correlation as the contribution to the energy from the second order cumulant (D^(2)-1/N D^(1)\wedge D^(1))?

Since the correlation energy is already defined as the difference to the HF energy, or more generally, \min_{Slaters \phi} <\Psi|\phi><\phi|H|\phi><\phi|\Psi>, whatever is left over is static correlation.

At least that's how I think about it.


-----Original Message-----
From:]_[ []_[] On Behalf Of Georg Lefkidis lefkidis**
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 4:19 AM
To: Rinderspacher, Berend C CIV (US)
Subject: CCL: AW: CASSCF does not produce spin densities

Sent to CCL by: "Georg Lefkidis" [lefkidis^^] Dear Jürgen, dear all

the problem of defining static vs. dynamical correlations is not an easy one. I have discussed it many times with my physicists colleagues and the consensus (for whatever this is worth) is that dynamic correlations are defined by virtual excitations with well-defined, nonzero energy differences. Following this trail of thoughts the "measure" of the character of the correlations is the energy difference of the Slater determinants in the CI expansion. This is also consistent with the fact that for static correlations one needs multi-reference expansions. This is also connected to the self-energy, in that the static correlations stem from its imaginary part while dynamic mainly originate from its real part.  I am not sure I completely understand this, however. My interpretation is that since the static correlations have no energy difference in the denominator of the Green's function, they can only be imaginary thus leading to broadening, while the energy shifting comes from the!
 real part. In view of this I probably agree with the statement that static correlations mean basically splitting while dynamic basically shifting.

What do you think?

Best regards

On 15/03/2012, at 9:23 AM, Jürgen Gräfenstein jurgen-$ wrote:

Your point about quasi-deneracy merits some more thought.  So, you're
suggesting that when the broadening of the energies by the correlation is smaller than their splitting, the >correlation is "dynamic"?  Maybe a self-energy concept can be leveraged here. UNCLASSIFIED
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Seth Olsen
ARC Australian Research Fellow
6-431 Physics Annexe
School of Mathematics and Physics
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia
+61 7 3365 2816
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