I think that this is a reasonable way to
approach the problem, but it needs some generalization from the way that most
physicists I know think about it. In my experience, one is almost always
referring to an underlying Fermi liquid model, in which case there are simple
poles in the response function. In the case of e.g. CAS models, it is not
clear that the poles are all simple. If state-averaged methods are also
to be treated, then it would seem that the self-energy must be described using
an operator formalism (i.e. an operator acting on the target space), which would
complicate things. For non-evenly weighted averages, it is not clear how
to think about the weights (because the state-averaged density matrix is no
longer dual to a von Neumann measurement, but instead to a POVM - a metric needs
to be introduced). -SEth On 15/03/2012, at 6:19 PM,
Georg Lefkidis lefkidis**physik.uni-kl.de wrote:
--------------------------------------------------- Seth Olsen ARC Australian Research Fellow 6-431 Physics Annexe School of Mathematics and Physics The University of Queensland Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia seth.olsen~~uq.edu.au +61 7 3365
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