CCL: Possible questions -

Hi Sanjay,

This can be difficult, but you must ask questions where you know that the candidate can only respond correctly if they understand the question. For instance a question like "Are MP2 calculation results consistent with Variational Theroem"? will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of some theory. Also, when I have interviewed people I ask about what software they are familiar with, why they did computational/modelling studies. Motivation is important too, ask what inspires them to keyboard bash and strain eyes waiting for a 15 days calculation. Also don't stick to computational things, do they have any coding skills, ever used clustering, QSAR, built a protein, bionformatics, material science..and I personally think a good science foundation is essential..have they ever synthesised a compound. Have they run an NMR or an HPLC? Do they understand physics, biology, chemistry, maths..Only you know if you want a chemist, programmer, ab-initio expert..your questions should be aimed at identifying the the best candidate for what you want in a ask yourself first..what am I looking for in a candidate. Suitable questions will then follow, I suspect.
J J Robinson - personal email - opinions are personal only.

From: Sanjay Bharathwaj <owner-chemistry]*[>
To: "Robinson, James " <jameschums]*[>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 6:39 PM
Subject: CCL: Possible questions?

Dear All,

I have been invited recently to conduct a
job interview based on computational chemistry
for a start-up company where the role is to conduct research
based on computational techniques.

I have something on my mind, but i would like you all to
share possible technical questions in computational chemistry, that one 
can use to handle PHD candidates. (apart from asking them to explain their work)

Thanks in Advance
Dr. Sanjay., 

Dr. Sanjay Bharathwaj Kumar,
Dharmendra Institute of Technology,