CCL: CfP: 3rd International Workshop on Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering (Mod4Sim13) part of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation SCS SpringSim 2013)

 Sent to CCL by: Daniele Gianni [daniele.gianni|a|]
                         CALL FOR PAPERS
                3rd International Workshop on
       Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering
    part of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation
                      (SCS SpringSim 2013)
 April 7-10, 2013, San Diego, CA (USA)
 # Papers Due: *** November 1, 2012 ***
 # Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
 # and archived in the ACM Digital Library.
 The workshop aims to bring together experts in model-based,
 model-driven and software engineering with experts in simulation
 methods and simulation practitioners, with the objective to advance
 the state of the art in model-driven simulation engineering.
 Model-driven engineering approaches provide considerable advantages to
 software systems engineering activities through the provision of
 consistent and coherent models at different abstraction levels. As
 these models are in a machine readable form, model-driven engineering
 approaches can also support the exploitation of computing capabilities
 for model reuse, programming code generation, and model checking, for
 The definition of a simulation model, its software implementation and
 its execution platform form what is known as simulation engineering.
 As simulation systems are mainly based on software, these systems can
 similarly benefit from model-driven approaches to support automatic
 software generation, enhance software quality, and reduce costs,
 development effort and time-to-market.
 Similarly to systems and software engineering, simulation engineering
 can exploit the capabilities of model-driven approaches by increasing
 the abstraction level in simulation model specifications and by
 automating the derivation of simulator code. Further advantages can be
 gained by using modeling languages, such as UML and SysML – but not
 exclusively those. For example, modeling languages can be used for
 descriptive modeling (to describe the system to be simulated), for
 analytical modeling (to specify analytically the simulation of the
 same system), and for implementation modeling (to define the
 respective simulator).
 A partial list of topics of interest includes:
 * model-driven simulation engineering processes
 * requirements modeling for simulation
 * domain specific languages for modeling and simulation
 * model transformations for simulation model building
 * model transformations for simulation model implementation
 * model-driven engineering of distributed simulation systems
 * relationship between metamodeling standards (e.g., MOF, Ecore) and
 distributed simulation standards (e.g., HLA, DIS)
 * metamodels for simulation reuse and interoperability
 * model-driven technologies for different simulation paradigms
 (discrete event simulation, multi-agent simulation, sketch-based *
 simulation, etc.)
 * model-driven methods and tools for performance engineering of
 simulation systems
 * simulation tools for model-driven software performance engineering
 * model-driven technologies for simulation verification and validation
 * model-driven technologies for data collection and analysis
 * model-driven technologies for simulation visualization
 * Executable UML
 * Executable Architectures
 * SysML / Modelica integration
 * Simulation Model Portability and reuse
 * model-based systems verification and validation
 * simulation for model-based systems engineering
 To stimulate creativity, however, the workshop maintains a wider scope
 and welcomes contributions offering original perspectives on
 model-driven engineering of simulation systems.
 On-Line Submissions and Publication
 We invite paper submissions in three forms:
 1. Full paper (max 8 pages), describing innovative research results.
 These papers are eligible for the best paper award and may be invited
 for an extended version in a special issue of the SCS SIMULATION
 2. Work-in-progress paper (max 6 pages), describing novel research
 ideas and promising work that have not yet been fully evaluated.
 3. Short paper (max 6 pages), describing industrial and hands-on
 experience on any relevant area (i.e. military, government, space,
 All the papers must be submitted through the SCS conference management
 systems ( and select the Mod4Sim
 track. The submissions must be in PDF format and conform to the SCS
 conference template (Word template is available at
 , guidelines are available at All the
 submitted papers
 must be original and not submitted else where. Submitted papers will
 be peer reviewed with respect to their quality, originality and
 relevance. The authors of the accepted papers must register in advance
 for inclusion of their paper in the conference proceedings. Authors of
 accepted papers will be invited to update their papers basing on the
 reviews, before providing the camera ready.
 All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and
 archived in both the ACM Digital Library. However, **only** accepted
 **full papers** will be printed in hard copy.
 Authors may contact the organizers for expression of interest and
 content appropriateness at any time.
 Important Dates
  * Submission Deadline: November 1, 2012
  * Decision to paper authors: January 10, 2013
  * Camera ready due: February 5, 2013
  * Conference dates: April 7-10, 2013
 Organizing Committee
  * Andrea D'Ambrogio - University of Rome TorVergata, Italy
  * Daniele Gianni - European Space Agency, The Netherlands
 Program Committee
  * Steffen Becker - University of Paderborn, Germany
  * Paolo Bocciarelli - University of Rome TorVergata, Italy
  * David Chen - Univeristy of Bordeaux I, France
  * Cristian Englert - Serco, The Netherlands
  * Huascar Espinoza - European Software Institute and Tecnalia, Spain
  * Paul A. Fishwick - University of Florida, USA
  * Carlos Juiz - University of Balearic Islands, Spain
  * Cristiano Leorato - Rhea, The Netherlands
  * Steve McKeever - University of Oxford, UK
  * Halit Oguztüzün - Middle East Technical University, Turkey
  * Andreas Tolk - Old Dominion University, USA
  * Hans Vangheluwe - University of Antwerp, Belgium and McGill
 University, Canada
  * Anthony Walsh - European Space Agency, Germany
  * Heming Zhang - Tsinghua University, China
 *** Contact Information ***
 Andrea D'Ambrogio and Daniele Gianni (workshop co-chairs)
 Emails: dambro|*| and danielegmail-mod4sim|*|