CCL: PC Build
- From: "Nicolas Grimblat"
- Subject: CCL: PC Build
- Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 09:14:13 -0400
Sent to CCL by: "Nicolas Grimblat" [nicogreen6\a/]
Hi everybody again.
im writing because im buying a new PC, and i have some config doubts. I read
some stuff from here of SSD, RamDisk, etc.
Does anybody know if there is any difference between dual/quad channel
One thin i can appreciate is the posibility in S2011 to add 64GB vs 32Gb from
S1155. Which takes me to the next question:
Does the i7 3820 series performs equally than 3770 or 2700k?
Other thing is that the S2011 is the socket for the i7 six core (out of budget)
Thank you all