CCL: Queuing system recommendations?

 Sent to CCL by: Mikolaj Feliks [mikolaj.feliks(!)]
 Hi Victor,
I`d recommend Slurm. We use it in our lab with great success, for ORCA jobs too.
 I find it also easier to setup than Torque.
 On 10/31/2012 12:31 AM, Victor Rosas Garcia wrote:
 Hello everybody,
 I'm thinking about setting up a queuing system for my cluster, but I am
 really at a loss about how to choose one.  I have heard about Torque and
 SQS, but never used any of them.  My cluster is a small, Debian-based
 32-cpu cluster with local scratch disk space for each 4-cpu box.  So, I
 would like to know, what do CCL'ers actually use to queue their jobs?
 My calcs use a mix of mostly GAMESS-US and GROMACS with some ORCA.  Both
 GAMESS and GROMACS can easily use the whole cluster, but the ORCA calcs
 cannot use the whole cluster, thus the need to have them waiting for the
 next available box.
 Best regards