CCL: Queuing systems - summary

 Sent to CCL by: Daniel Fernando Coimbra []
Torque/Maui is not dependent on Munge. We use Torque here with OpenLDAP (and PAM) for authentication.
 On 01-11-2012 17:47, Marc Baaden baadena/ wrote:
 Sent to CCL by: Marc Baaden [baaden[a]]
 Torque/Maui also depends on MUNGE for proper authentication.
 We have been running it for a few months now and are more on the
 unhappy side I would say. Too many limitations and lack of flexibility.
 That's probably to provide incentive for people to acquire the
 proprietary Moab version.
 If you find your ideal solution, let us know, please :)
 Kind regards
 owner-chemistry|,| said:
 Regarding Slurm, I was put off by the need to install yet another
 package (MUNGE) for authentication.  Torque seems pretty well
 self-contained and it has the most (to me) understandable
 documentation, so I'll stick with it.
 Daniel Fernando Coimbra
 Grupo de Estrutura Eletrônica Molecular
 Departamento de Química
 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina