CCL: Requests for Structural Realism article of Prof. Scerri

 Sent to CCL by: Tom Albright [talbright|,|]
 What??? Look if one wants the community to see an article why not publicize it?
 The delete key ain't hard to hit. I see so much stuff in this list that can be
 easily handled if one first had the barest of understanding of the methodology
 and secondly one had read the users manual. I just hit the delete key. So here
 is an informational post and you have to criticize as being self-aggrandizing?
 Look Igor - I have no intention in reading the article by Scerri - nor have I
 ever met him, but boy do you and the others that have criticized a post like
 this aggravate me! Self- serving? I think so... Astro-turfing - I think not! Why
 not publish something yourself?
 On Nov 23, 2012, at 8:00 PM, Igor Filippov igor.v.filippov|| wrote:
 > Sent to CCL by: Igor Filippov [igor.v.filippov^_^]
 > The whole thing has a feel of one organized astro-turfing campaign.
 > That's the conclusion I reached after seeing so many requests sent to
 > the list for a publication which was so blatantly self-promoted.
 > Igor
 > On Fri, 2012-11-23 at 18:37 -0500, Jan Labanowski
 > wrote:
 >> Sent to CCL by: Jan Labanowski []
 >> I am seeing a number  requests for the
 >> article that was announced to CCL by Prof. Eric Scerri. Please realize
 >> 1) you are sending your requests to a few thousands people rather than
 to the
 >> author who announced it.
 >> 2) Prof. Scerri is not a CCL subscriber, so he will not likely see your
 >> i.e., you are wasting yours and other people bandwidth and time
 (clicking on the
 >> [Delete] button takes time).
 >> If I wanted to read the article, I would just contact the author rather
 than a
 >> few thousands other people who have nothing to do with it...
 >> Jan Labanowski
 >> CCL Maintainer>