CCL: Join Us for Webinars: GPU-Accelerated TeraChem, AMBER and Folding,,home

 Sent to CCL by: "Jahn  Ozdoruk" [cozdoruk *]
 I want to invite you to three exciting webinars hosted by leading scientists and
 researchers in the
 field of Molecular Dynamics and Quantum Chemistry.  Learn how your colleagues
 are utilizing the
 computational power of GPUs to accelerate their science, and how you can get
 started with GPUs as
 1.	Large-scale DFT Calculations on GPUs with TeraChem
 Date: Apr 22nd, 9am PST
 Hosted by: Professor Heather Kulik, MIT
 Register at:
 Recent advances in reformulating electronic structure algorithms for GPUs have
 made DFT
 calculations on systems comprising up to O(10^3) atoms feasible.
 Join Professor Heather Kulik to learn about how she leverages TeraChem, a
 quantum chemistry application, to investigate large-scale quantum mechanical
 features in
 applications ranging from protein structures to mechanochemical
 2.	An Overview of AMBER 14 - Creating the World's Fastest MD Package
 Date: May 13th, 9am PST
 Hosted by: Prof. R. Walker, UC San Diego; Prof. A. Roitberg, University of
 Florida; S. Grand, Amazon
 Web Services
 Register at:
 This webinar will provide an overview of new GPU-accelerated features in the
 recently released
 AMBER Molecular Dynamics Software package version 14.  New features include
 support for multi-
 dimensional replica exchange MD and hydrogen mass partitioning.  High
 performance peer-to-peer
 support and optimizations make version 14 the fastest MD software package on
 3.	The Next Steps for Folding+/-home
 Date: Jun 3rd, 9am PST
 Hosted by: Professor Vijay Pande, Stanford University
 Register at:
 Folding+/-home, a large-scale distributed computing project, has made
 significant advances in our
 ability to simulate diseases at the molecular scale with new algorithms and the
 use of GPUs.
 Join Professor Vijay Pande in a discussion about the successes of Folding+/-home
 so far and his plans
 on new initiatives to greatly enhance what the project can achieve.
 Try GPUs for Free
 You can test drive the latest NVIDIA GPUs for free and experience a significant
 speed up for your
 science. Either run your own code or try one of the preloaded applications like
 Register for GPU Test Drive at:
 Please forward this invitation to your colleagues who may be interested.
 Jahn C. Ozdoruk
 Product Mgr, NVIDIA