CCL: resonance Raman calculation with IMDHO method in ORCA

 Sent to CCL by: "M  M" [mozhdehmohammadpour|*|]
 we are interested in using IMDHO method for calculating resonance Raman which is
 implemented in ORCA suit of program. According to our previous results, we are
 so enthusiastic about finding Raman scattering factors using SAOP functional in
 DFT method and considering the fact that this functional is not implemented in
 ORCA yet, I would like to know is it possible to use electronic excitation
 energy and transition dipole moments which we have found from SAOP or any other
 functionals by changing manually some parts of prior calculations of resonance
 Raman (such as .hess or .rrhess files) in order to have appropriate
 dimensionless displacements in .asa.inp  based on SAOP functional? and if yes,
 If it is possible, I would be grateful if you could tell me the procedure. I
 appreciate any other comment. Thanks in advance.