Dear CCLers,
I'd highly appreciate you sharing your experience with
publishing in Wiley's Journal of Computational Chemistry.
Recently we received a decision letter from this journal
containing comments from a single reviewer only, and itappeared enough for the editor to declined our manuscript.
Unfortunately, we have serious reasons to consider those
comments as being far from objective and unbiased.
Could someone please comment on whether it is typical
for such a journal to send a manuscript to a singlereviewer? As far as I know, all respectable journals typically
rely on recommendations from at least (!) two reviewers. Am I wrong?
Thank you in advance!
With my best wishes
Tymofii NikolaienkoTaras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
P.S. The manuscript deals with a novel implementation of a
classical analys! is method to be used in conjunction with
ab initio program packages. It contains both explanation
of computational procedures and a sample application.
Maybe we should consider some other journal to publish
such a work?