am working on a survey of the cheminformatics industry for a client and am
trying to understanding when various chemists resort to cheminformatics tools,
and how well those tools are serving them today. ÂIt would be great to
getÂsome feedback from both pharmaÂand non-pharma chemists.
ÂWhile much of the emphasis today remains in the drug development arena,
cheminformatics has a role in a variety of other fields.
will be providing
$100 gift cards to all individuals whom I end up interviewing. Interviews are
expected to take about an hour. ÂIf you areÂinterested
in participating, please
take this brief survey. ÂIf you
are selected, I will contact you directly to schedule an
free to forward this message to any of your colleagues who
might be interested. ÂThank you for your assistance,
Steven Bachrach
Semmes Distinguished Professor and Assistant
VP for Special Projects
Department of Chemistry
Trinity University        Â
    ÂPhone: 210-999-7379
1 Trinity Place         Â
     ÂFax: 210-999-7569
San Antonio, TX 78212 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
email: sbachrach a trinity.edu