CCL: Problem in running QChem

 Sent to CCL by: "Prasenjit  Seal" [seal.prasenjit[]]
 I am a beginner of QChem program.
 I have a problem (that might be simple to many users) while running this
 code. Whenever I try to run a job at our cluster, this is the error I
 receive every time.
 Problem with processed rem input line:
  Q-Chem fatal error occurred in module
 /short/z00/cyl900/qchem/trunk/qparser/read_rem.C, line 288:
  Illegal rem input in read_rem
 I changed the JOBTYPE from SP to Optimization to Frequency, changed the
 method even just to see whether they have some problem with the
 combinations I provided. But every time, the same things happen. This is
 really very disturbing.
 Any kind of help or idea will highly be appreciated.
 For kind convenience, given below is the $rem section
    BASIS  =  6-31G*
    GUI  =  2
    JOB_TYPE  =  SP
    METHOD  =  B3LYP
    SCF_MAX_CYCLES  =  200
    XC_GRID  =  1
 Thanks and best regards,