CCL: Workshop Pauli2016 in Oxford

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce our international workshop on

Reduced Density Matrices in Quantum Physics and Role of
Fermionic Exchange Symmetry 

to be held at the University of Oxford, 12-15 April, 2016.

For further information and registration, please see

Description and aim:
The interdisciplinary workshop brings together experts in
quantum science, as for instance quantum information theory, 
quantum chemistry, solid state physics and mathematical physics. 
The aim is to explore from a conceptual viewpoint the influence 
of the fermionic exchange symmetry and its consequences for the
reduced 1-and 2-fermion picture. In particular, a better
understanding should be developed of how the conflict of energy
minimization and antisymmetry of the N-fermion quantum state
leads to simplified descriptions of fermionic ground states. The
emphasis lies on the four subjects:
1) particle exchange symmetry
2) reduced density matrices
3) generalized Pauli constraints
4) degeneracy pressure and numerical methods

We are looking forward to welcome you in Oxford,
Christian Schilling and Vlatko Vedral

James Daniel Whitfield
University Ghent, Quantum Group