CCL:G: [EXTERNAL] CCL:G: cpu and memory benchmark performance calculation


  There are several answers to your question.  You do not say what types of calculations you are interested in, and what computers you have access to.  So I would suggest some simple tests.  Let’s say that you have 8 nodes with 5 Gb per node.  So you request 8 nodes and 40 Gb of memory.  So then double this by requesting 16 nodes and 80 Gb of memory.  You can see in the literature that Gaussian doesn’t scale very well, but you have to test this with calculations you are interested in.  So try this, and then write CCL again with specific details about what basis sets you use, and what hardware you have available.

  Regards, Dave Close.


From:[a] [[a]] On Behalf Of Michael Morgan michaelmorgan937(0)
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2019 12:25 PM
To: Close, David M. <CLOSED[a]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] CCL:G: cpu and memory benchmark performance calculation


Dear all,


If I want to test cpu or memory performance on a quantum calculation program (such as gaussian), usually what types of calculation are most suitable for respectively?


For example, for parallel cpu performance, what types of calculation are mainly related to number of cpu cores but barely dependent on memory? On the other side, what types of calculation depend mainly on memory amount but not cpu?


Thank you very much.



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