CCL: CHITEL/QUITEL2019 Congress, 25-30 Aug. 2019, Montreal - Canada

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 Join us at CHITEL/QUITEL 2019: Meet prominent international theoretical chemists
 of Latin expression in Montreal (25-30 Aug. 2019)
 Launched in 1969 by pioneering quantum chemists Pullman and Del Re, QUITEL or
 CHITEL is the annual conference of theoretical and computational chemists whose
 language of expression is one that is primarily derived from Latin, such as
 Catalan, Italian, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, etc.
 The conference will feature some of the finest researchers from around the world
 in a unique Latin atmosphere in the vibrant culture of Montral, Qubec, Canada.
 CHITEL/QUITEL 2019 will feature over 120 invited speakers and over 10 plenary
 lecturers including:
 Paul Ayers (McMaster University, Canada)
 Andr Bandrauk (Universit de Sherbrooke, Canada)
 Victor Batista (Yale University, USA)
 Carlo Gatti (Instituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari CNR-ISTM, Italy)
 Jean-Michel Gillet (CentraleSuplec, France)
 Ana Martinez (Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, Mexico)
 Louis Massa (City University of New York, USA)
 Jolle Pelletier (Universit de Montral, Canada)
 Alejandro Toro-Labb (Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, Chile)
 Piero Ugliengo (Universit degli Studi di Torino, Italy)
 Abstract submission is now open (and early bird registration is until 15 June).
 Students and postdocs have special discounted registration.
 Please visit the conference website:
 Best regards, cordialement, mejores deseos, melhores desejos, cordiali saluti
 QUITEL/CHITEL 2019 Organizers:
 Chrif Matta, Mount Saint Vincent University
 Gilles Peslherbe, Concordia University
 Pierre-Nicholas Roy, University of Waterloo