CCL: BSSE Counterpoise correction

 Sent to CCL by: "Lee  Jones" [bunglinpie|,|]
 Hi.  I'm after a little guidance regarding Basis Set Superposition Error.
 I understand what BSSE is and how to perform a counterpoise correction
 using ghost atoms, but my question is a little more fundamental.
 Considering a bimolecular addition reaction where you have reactants A
 and B that proceed to form a single molecule AB via a transition state
 AB*, what species do you actually perform the CP correction on?
 I read the following article which contains the following passage:
 "This correction will depend on the geometries of the reactants. When
 they are very far from one another, it will be very small: they don't
 influence one another. When they are very close, this effect will be
 small, for the same reasoning. It's the intermediate distances that have
 the largest BSSE. These are the distances at or approaching the
 transition state, which serves as the bottleneck for the reaction. If you
 are not accounting for the artificial improvement near the transition
 state, then you will get an incorrect approximation of the activation
 energy, the energy difference between this transition state and the
 separated-reactant limit."
 This seems to suggest that, to a first approximation, I would only need
 to CP correct the transition state AB* and can effectively ignore BSSE
 for the reactants A and B at infinite distance and for the final product
 AB (i.e. the BSSE only has a small effect on the overall reaction
 energy/enthalpy) is this correct.