Dear Colleague, Sir, Madam,
It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the 2nd International Conference on Noncovalent Interactions (ICNI) to be held in person in Strasbourg on July 18th-22nd 2022.
After having deferred ICNI from July 2021 to July 2022 for sanitary reasons, we are pleased to announce that Registrations and Abstract submissions to the Second ICNI:+:Strasbourg are now open. We invite you to use the proposed abstract template.
Please note that we extended the early bird fee until April
16th 2022.
Also bear in mind that we might have the possibilty to propose
student residence housing. In the registration process
participants are proposed to tick a box if they are interested to
receive an offer for a student housing for the duration of the
We are aware of the changing sanitary situation and plan to
plenary and keynote lecturers who will not be able to make it
physically to Strasbourg to hold their lectures in a remote way.
As a great part of the scientific community wishes to return to in
person interactive conferences, remote lectures will be reserved
to plenary and keynote lecturers.
We invite you to browse the web site of the conference here at for all the details pertaining to registration and abstract submission.
ICNI Strasbourg will be hosting the IUPAC Workshop on “Interactions
involving elements of groups 11, 14, 15, 16 and
This satellite event will take place on the 22nd of July in the
afternoon with not less than 9 speakers from 9 countries and
will entail a shared poster session where participants having
been granted the IUPAC Workshop-label will havethe opportunity
to display their posters.
We ask all participants to explicitly state, whenever required in the abstract submission or the registration process, whether they will attend this exceptional workshop. Participants who consider their research to be in line with the topic of this workshop can apply within the process of abstract submission to a special "IUPAC-Workshop" labeling of their lecture, communication or poster.
Participants of ICNI-Strasbourg are invited to browse the official web sites of the french ministry of foreign affairs to fetch recent informations on the sanitary conditions of entry to and residence in France (recognized vaccines, sanitary travel requirements, etc…).
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