CCL:G: Molecular Electronic Structure Conference 2024, Pescara, Italy

 Sent to CCL by: "Cecilia  Coletti" []
 Dear colleagues (apologies for cross postings),
 We are happy to announce the opening of registration and abstract submission
 to the Molecular Electronic Structure 2024!
 The 7th edition of MES will be held in Pescara (Italy), a town on the
 Adriatic coast, from Saturday afternoon 21st September to Wednesday 25th
 September 2024 inclusive (departure on the morning of Thursday 26th
 According to its tradition, the conference is focused on new developments in
 the field of molecular electronic structure and related areas, as well as
 supporting mathematics. The main topics of interest include, but are not
 limited to:
         Explicit correlation
         Density matrix theory (RDM)
         Quantum chemistry beyond gaussians (STO, Sturmians, etc.)
         Relativistic Effects
         Excited states
         Stochastic approaches (Quantum Monte Carlo)
         Development of potential energy surfaces
 In addition to invited talks (see list of invited speakers, several
 contributed talks will be
 selected from the submitted abstracts. Furthermore, a poster session (with
 poster awards) will take place: all poster submissions by registered
 participants will be accepted. Finally, to promote informal exchange, various
 social activities are planned.
 The abstract submission deadline is June 15th, 2024.
 The very early bird registration is available until April 30th, 2024, and the
 deadline for early bird (still discounted) registration is July 5th, 2024.
 Reduced fees for students (Master and PhD) are available.
 It is possible to include accommodation at the conference venue (Hotel Villa
 Maria) in the registration fee. Please, find all information in the
 conference website:
 Note that the Italian Accademia dei Lincei, as part of Days on One Hundred
 Years of Quantum Chemistry, is organizing the workshop Quantum Chemistry and
 Cheminformatics in Rome at the historical Palazzo Corsini on September 26th
 and 27th, following MES 2024 (preliminary information on this event can be
 found at
 content/uploads/2024/03/Lincei_QCCI_leaflet-1.pdf) and that transportation by
 bus will be arranged from the MES 2024 conference venue in Pescara to the
 Accademia dei Lincei in Rome on September 26th morning.
 We are looking forward to seeing you soon in Pescara!
 For any enquiries, please contact: info.mes2024|a|
 Best regards,
 Cecilia Coletti and Philip Hoggan