CCL:G: MSSC2024*London - Ab initio Modelling in Solid State Chemistry

 Sent to CCL by: "Giuseppe  Mallia" [g.mallia*_*]
 MSSC2024 - Ab initio Modelling in Solid State Chemistry
 Discovering quantum-mechanical simulations with CRYSTAL
 London (UK time), September 16-20,2024
 Directors: S. Casassa - A. Erba - N.M. Harrison - G. Mallia
 The Department of Chemistry and the Thomas Young Centre at Imperial College
 and the Theoretical Chemistry Group of the University of Torino, in
 with the Computational Materials Science Group of the Science and Technology
 Facilities Council (STFC), are organising the 2024 MSSC Summer School
 on the "ab initio modelling of crystalline and defective solids with the
 CRYSTAL code".
 There will be lectures in the morning sessions and hand-on tutorials in the
 afternoon ones.
 The week long school is designed for new users of CRYSTAL, PhD students,
 Post-Docs and researchers with interests in solid state chemistry,
 physics, materials science, surface science, catalysis, magnetism
 and nano-science. It will provide an introduction to the capabilities
 of quantum mechanical simulations and to the practical use of CRYSTAL.
 CRYSTAL is a general-purpose program for the study of periodic systems.
 It uses a local basis set comprised of Gaussian type functions and can be used
 to perform calculations at the Hartree-Fock, density functional or global and
 range-separated hybrid functionals (e.g. B3LYP, HSE06), double hybrid levels of
 Analytical first derivatives with respect to the nuclear coordinates and cell
 and analytical derivatives, up to fourth order, with respect to an applied
 electric field
 (CPHF/CPKS) are available.
 The programme will be available soon.
 You can register at:
 Friday 10 May - Deadline for payment of early bird fees.