CCL Home Page
Up Directory CCL CHEME-L
NAME:     CHEME-L - Chemical Engineering List.

   Description:    Unedited forum on the role of chemical engineering in a
      changing technology and world economy, and its adaptation to those
      changes; new research trends in industry and academia; public and
      federal financial support availability; public image of the chemical
      engineering profession; role of the professor. Information items on
      available opportunities for post-docs, and faculty or graduate stu-
      dents on leave. Collaborative research. Free forum on all research
      and education aspects of chemical engineering.
   Subjects:    Chemical engineering, industrial chemistry, engineering pro-
      fession, engineering education, social impact of chemical engineering.
   Editor:   Raoul Miranda, Dept.  Chem.  Eng., Univ.  of Louisville,
      Louisville, KY 40292-0001, USA. PH: (502) 852-0191. FX: (502)-
      852-6355. EM:
   Comments:     Unmoderated. 60 messages/month. 500 subscribers. Not
      archived.         List   type:      LISTSERV.   Admin-
      istrative address: LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU Distribution address:
Modified: Thu Feb 11 21:46:54 1999 GMT
Page accessed 6465 times since Sat Apr 17 21:20:58 1999 GMT