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There is a list of chemistry-related lists (maintained by Kris Boulez): -- look there !!!

Another large compilation of lists is available at:

How to Subscribe

Generally, to subscribe to the list, send a message
SUBSCRIBE listname firstname lastname
to the address of the machine running the list software (i.e.,


As usual, there are exceptions from this rule.

For example, one of the largest sites for electronic lists suggests that you subscribe by sending:
JOIN listname firstname lastname to

If none of these options works, skip the name portion and try again.

If you still encounter problems, try contacting the administrator at listname-request@some.machine or postmaster@some.machine.

Upon joining the list, you will usually be sent detailed information about list services and rules -- it is a good idea to save this information for future reference.

How to Unsubscribe

The unsubscription procedure also involves sending a message to a global address.

To unsubscribe from a list in most cases, send a message
UNSUBSCRIBE listname to the address of the machine running the list software.

To unsubscribe from a LISTSERV list, send a message
SIGNOFF listname to the address of the machine running the list software.

To unsubscribe from a MAILBASE list, send a message
LEAVE listname to the address of the machine running the list software.

Many lists only allow subscribers to post to the list. Posting is done by sending your message to the address:

Chemistry-Related Lists

Modified: Wed Sep 27 13:48:02 2000 GMT
Page accessed 17016 times since Sat Apr 17 21:17:23 1999 GMT