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Up Directory CCL SUP-COND
NAME:     SUP-COND - Superconductivity in Israel.

   Description:    One of the most exciting things taking place today is the
      rapid and impressive progress being made in superconductivity. A
      mailing list on Bitnet of people interested in Superconductivity has
      been established in Israel so that both local and international in-
      formation on this field (local achievements, abstracts on work from
      overseas, lectures, workshop, calls for proposals, etc..) can be dis-
      seminated efficiently and rapidly. You are welcome to send any news-
      worthy item to SUP-COND@TAUNIVM and it will be forwarded
      to this mailing list.  In addition, if you will be giving a lecture,
      organizing a workshop or hosting a notable scientist in the field of
      superconductivity, PLEASE SEND A SHORT ANNOUNCEMENT!
   Subjects:    superconductivity.

   Editor:   Joseph van Zwaren, Coordinator for Physics Research, National
      Council for Research and Development, Ministry for Science and
      Development. EM: JO@ILNCRD.BITNET.
   Comments:     Moderated.   No  subscription  restrictions.   250  sub-
      scribers.   No  archives.   List  type:   LISTSERV.  Adminis-
      trative address:  LISTSERV@VM.TAU.AC.IL. Distribution address:
Modified: Thu Feb 11 21:59:04 1999 GMT
Page accessed 7189 times since Sat Apr 17 21:21:13 1999 GMT